19 April 2012: Die andere Seite von Omskau v1.2

Prepatched version:

(Win) (Src) (x64 .deb)



Copy contents of the patch to the directory where last version was installed.

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3 April 2012: A quick update

    If you don't have a special reason to download this version you would be better off with a new one.

    Prepatched versions:

    (Win) (Src) (x64 .deb)


    (Win) (Src)

    Copy the contents to the game directory and rebuild it if you have built it befre. Deb package can only be redownloaded.

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    2 April 2012: iiChantra P.E.A.R: Ander Seite von Omskau

    If you don't have a special reason to download this version you would be better off with a new one.

    Even if we heard the rumors about our death a lot of times, we still kept working. Today we show you the product of our word: iiCahntra P.E.A.R: the Other Side of Omskow. Can you solve the mystery of the strange town? And if you do - what will you do with the answer?

    Let us also remind you that the game features an online highscores table so don't panic if you see a network activity from it. It's not a botnet, we swear.

    (Win) (Src) (x64 .deb)

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    1 April 2011: Star Stuff: the game

    Hello, people who were interested in iiChantra. We have news both good and bad.

    We'll start with bad. The creator of our main character original sprite has recently visited our irc channel and told us that he named her Electra and forbids us from using her in the game, because he will use her for house work. After that bad things just keeped on happening - our script was sold to Belarussian tv, our artists lost most of their sprites gambling and the whole "iiChantra" brand was sold to a Chinese company that would now produce the unlicensed cartridges for unlicensed copies of unlicensed 8- and 16-bit consoles.

    Good news is the fact that we still have the engine and a burning desire to do something. Thus, we made something - Star Stuff: the game.

    You can download it from here and, on an off chance that you are a part of 0.0001% of Earth's population that has computers that can actually run it, even play it.

    P.S: You can make your life easier by selecting "mode: easy" in the options menu.

    Windows binary Source code

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    7 Januar 2011: iiChantra: P.E.A.R

    Two years ago on this day, January 7th, we released a first almost playable version of iiChantra that had some sort of objective. To commemorate this event we present you iiChantra: P.E.A.R. (Previous Encounter Almost Repeated)!

    You should also know that this version of the game uses SDL_net library so you can send your final score to the server. Don't panic when you see network activity from it.

    highscores.iichantra.ru Windows binary Source code

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    31 October 2010: iiChantra Halloween!

    After a short discussion we came to a conclusion that we didn't release anything but promises long enough. So after deciding to fix that we looked at the calendar and - what do you know! - it's actually almost a holiday, albeit not the one usually celebrated in our country.

    Then we got to work and here is the result - sort of a "remake" (more of a spiritual successor, really) of one of the earlier builds, themed after this holiday.

    Linux binary was only tested in slackware 13.1 and lubuntu 10.10, needs SDL and DevIL (both included for Windows) and will most likely would not work for you, so go ahead and grab the source code.

    Windows binary Linux binary Source code

    Update 1: Original archives had a missed texture. If slowpoke projectiles are invisible, please put these two files to your textures directory.

    Update 2: Because some of you complain about performance problems we have made a "light" version of the scripts: halloween_script.lua that you can put into your scripts directory. With it you won't have enemy markers and mass teleportations in the game that may, hovewer, drag out the rounds a bit longer.

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    6 October 2010: Light am Ende des Tunnels

    Несмотря на то, что те из команды, кто ещё остался верен делу разработки, периодически отвлекаются на разные интересные, но не необходимые вещи вроде внутриигровой консоли и сетевой игры, финал разработки первого эпизода уже можно разглядеть впереди невооружённым глазом.

    Чего на данный момент более всего не хватает команде - так это усидчивости для занятий монотонным трудом вроде комбинирования тайлов в редакторе карт и моральной поддержки. И последнюю вы можете обеспечить. Если все вы искренне дружно скажете вслух "я верю в иичантру", то она тут же выйдет. Честное слово. А если вдруг нет, то, значит, кто-то верит недостаточно сильно, может быть, даже вы. Да-да, вы.

    Так что продолжайте верить в игру, не забывайте произносить эту волшебную фразу по несколько раз на дню и всё будет хорошо.

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    17 августа 2010: Zurück zur Arbeit

    As promised, we are back from vacations and ready to work. Unfortunately, all of the help that we were promised have disappeared. We are all alone once again.

    But we are not going to give up. Watch out for updates.

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    3 August 2010: Slowpokes machen auch Pause

    Those of you who monitor the commits to our svn may have noticed that last week had almost no progress. This is caused by the fact that the amount of developers out on vacation has reached its peak. For some time from now on we may not have any updates at all.

    Everything is not so bad, however. Just in ten more days they will start to return, freshly rested and ready for new achievements. And for now slowpokes need their rest too.

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    8 Juli 2010: Was neu ist

      December 31 of 2009 we've produced a sort of a tech demo to showcase our progress. While the reception was mostly positive, it became a subject to critique. Some may wonder if the listened to it. So here is a list of changes we made based on feedback.

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      10 Juni 2010: Unsere Pläne und Progress

      Despite a lack of updates before, the work on the game is quite active once again and the progress can be spotted by a naked eye. At this time the first level is more than a half complete. Due to complains about level sizes, this one is already larger than all of the previous ones combined. Everything about it is carefully planned so you don't need to worry about us losing direction in the middle of the process.

      Because of the fact we severely underestimated the time we need to create the game it may come in episodes of 3-4 levels at a time with an ability to carry the save games over. Watch out for updates.

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      26 Mai 2010: Letzte Neuheiten

        Since we lasted posted here we've made substancial progress. The sprites for the first level are currently being worked on. Watch out for updates.

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        19 мая 2010: Neues Design

          We have updated the design of this blog and added an RSS feed. Now you can use it to get the most recent news about the development.

          No progress for the game this time, however.

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          8 Mai 2010: Jetz geht los!

            This is an official™ iiChantra blog where you can read the news about the project.

            It is currently active. At this moment most of the work is done, we just need to draw a couple more tiles, clean up the code, create the levels... You know what - it doesn't look like most of the work is done at all. But still, updates are pretty slow - developers are human too, they have their jobs, families and general laziness.

            Thanks for your support and do look out for updates.

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