We are a group of anonymous (where possible) developers and just random people, gathered together by a desire to make a game. You are on a site of that game. People often come and go, so we are always happy to get «fresh blood». Some of us work on the game for practice, some sincerely want to create a good game and some just continue doing it out of habit. Either way all of us are participating in iiChantra and you can become one of us.
Who do we need? Well, anyone, really, but at this stage of development people that can create resources more than others. Namely (but not limited to) pixel artists, coder (mostly C/C++ or lua), sound designers. Almost non-existent is the need for «idea people» (we have more than enough ideas as it is).
To contact us you can use comments on this site and also these links:
irc://irc.irchighway.net/iichantra — irc channel.
developers@iichantra.ru — mail.
http://410chan.ru/dev/res/238.html — thread about the game (in Russian).
http://twitter.com/iiChantra — twitter.